Recent Mold Remediation Posts

The Role of Mold in Indoor Odor Problems

7/17/2024 (Permalink)

Have you ever walked into a room and been greeted by an unpleasant, musty odor? Despite your best efforts to scrub, spray, and ventilate, the smell seems to linger, leaving you puzzled and frustrated. What if I told you that the culprit behind these stubborn odors might be hiding in plain sight, silently thriving in your home? Enter mold – the often overlooked but potent source of indoor odor problems.

At SERVPRO®, we understand the significance of identifying and addressing the root cause of indoor odor issues. Mold, a type of fungus, can proliferate in damp, poorly ventilated environments, such as basements, bathrooms, and areas affected by water damage. While mold itself may not always be visible, its distinctive musty odor is a telltale sign of its presence.

But why does mold produce such unpleasant odors? The answer lies in its biological processes. As mold grows and spreads, it releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) into the air. These compounds emit characteristic odors that can range from earthy and damp to sour and pungent, depending on the type of mold and environmental conditions.

One common misconception is that eliminating mold odor is simply a matter of masking it with air fresheners or deodorizers. However, this approach only provides temporary relief and does nothing to address the underlying problem. To effectively combat mold-related odors, it's essential to tackle the mold itself.

Here are some steps you can take to address mold-induced odors in your home:

  • Identify and Remediate Mold: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home to locate areas affected by mold growth. Once identified, enlist the help of professionals, like SERVPRO®, to safely and effectively remediate the mold and eliminate its source.
  • Improve Ventilation: Proper ventilation is key to reducing moisture levels and inhibiting mold growth. Ensure that your home is adequately ventilated, especially in areas prone to dampness, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.
  • Maintain Optimal Indoor Humidity: Mold thrives in moist environments, so it's crucial to keep indoor humidity levels in check. Invest in a dehumidifier to regulate humidity levels and prevent mold growth.
  • Clean and Dry Water-Damaged Areas Promptly: If your home experiences water damage from leaks, floods, or plumbing issues, address the problem immediately and thoroughly dry affected areas to prevent mold growth.

By addressing mold at its source and implementing preventive measures, you can effectively combat indoor odor problems and create a more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

At SERVPRO, we specialize in mold remediation and odor removal services, utilizing advanced techniques and equipment to restore your home to its pre-mold condition. Don't let mold-induced odors linger any longer – contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a fresher, odor-free home.

Remember, when it comes to indoor odor problems, knowledge is power. By understanding the role of mold in causing these odors and taking proactive measures to address them, you can reclaim your home from unpleasant smells and enjoy a cleaner living space.

Top Reasons Your Home Smells Musty - Causes and Solutions

3/12/2024 (Permalink)

Have you ever walked into your home and been greeted by a musty odor that just won't seem to go away? Don't worry; you're not alone. In this blog, our experts here at SERVPRO® are here to uncover the most common reasons your home might smell musty and provide actionable solutions to restore freshness. Say goodbye to unpleasant odors and hello to a revitalized living space!

1. Hidden Water Damage

Musty odors often stem from hidden water damage lurking within your walls, ceilings, or floors. Undetected leaks or past water incidents can create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. By tackling hidden moisture issues, you'll not only eliminate musty smells but also prevent further damage to your home.

2. Poor Ventilation

Inadequate ventilation can trap stale air and contribute to that musty odor. When fresh air circulation is hindered, it fosters the accumulation of stagnant air, intensifying unpleasant smells. Insufficient airflow can lead to an increased presence of airborne particles and moisture, creating an environment conducive to mustiness. 

3. Damp Basements and Crawl Spaces

Basements and crawl spaces are notorious for harboring musty smells due to excess moisture. 

The core issue here is the propensity of these spaces to accumulate excess moisture, creating an environment conducive to unwelcome odors. The primary issue here is that these spaces tend to collect too much moisture, creating an environment where unwelcome odors thrive. Common Causes of Dampness Include:

  • Water Leaks
  • Poor Drainage
  • Limited Ventilation

4. Forgotten Fabrics and Upholstery

In the pursuit of removing musty odors, it's crucial not to overlook fabrics and upholstery that might have slipped off the radar. These often-forgotten items, ranging from curtains and cushions to carpets and couches, can become unexpected culprits. Over time, they absorb moisture and hide hidden smells. By addressing forgotten fabrics with the same attention as other areas, you ensure a comprehensive approach to maintaining a fresh and inviting smell in your home.

Discovering and eliminating the sources of musty odors in your home doesn't have to be a mystery. With this blog, we aim to empower you with knowledge and solutions to removing unwanted smells for good. 

Mold Testing: When and How to Do It Right

10/16/2023 (Permalink)

Mold can be a common issue in homes, affecting both the appearance and structural integrity of a property. Conducting mold testing can help homeowners identify the presence of mold and take necessary action. In this blog, we will explore when and how to perform mold testing correctly, providing valuable insights into how homeowners can ensure a mold-free environment.

Signs Indicating the Need for Mold Testing

There are certain signs that may indicate the need for mold testing in your home. This includes the presence of visible mold growth, a musty odor, and a history of water damage or leaks. Moreover, if occupants experience unexplained allergic reactions or persistent respiratory issues, it may be a good indication to test for mold. Recognizing these signs is crucial for determining when to initiate mold testing and prevent potential mold-related problems from worsening.

Types of Mold Testing

There are different types of mold testing methods available. Air testing involves collecting air samples to analyze the concentration of mold spores present. Surface testing is carried out by swabbing or tape-lifting samples from suspected mold-infested surfaces. Bulk testing involves collecting material samples, such as a piece of drywall or carpet, for analysis. Each testing method has its advantages, and the choice depends on the specific circumstances and goals of testing.

Professional vs. DIY Testing

Homeowners have the option to conduct mold testing themselves using DIY kits or hire a professional mold inspector. DIY testing kits can be a cost-effective solution, but they may not provide the same level of accuracy and expertise as professional testing. Professionals have the necessary knowledge, experience, and equipment to conduct thorough mold inspections, identify hidden mold sources, and interpret test results accurately. Depending on the severity of the mold issue and the complexity of the property, hiring a professional may be the best choice for comprehensive mold testing.

Understanding and Interpreting Test Results

Once mold testing is complete, it is important to understand and interpret the results correctly. Test results typically indicate the presence of different mold species and their concentration levels. It is essential to compare the results to a baseline measurement taken from an unaffected area to distinguish between normal mold levels and significant infestations. Professional mold inspectors can help interpret the results accurately and provide recommendations for remediation and prevention based on the findings.

Mold testing is an important step in identifying and addressing potential mold issues within a home. By recognizing the signs that indicate testing is necessary and understanding the different testing methods available, homeowners can take appropriate action to ensure a mold-free environment. Whether opting for DIY kits or professional testing, it is essential to interpret the results accurately and seek guidance from professionals for effective remediation and prevention strategies.

About 50% of Homes Have Mold Problems.... Let SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville Help You!

3/20/2023 (Permalink)

Rubber Duck on bathtub with mold growing Call SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville for all your mold questions and concerns!

What is Mold?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, mold is defined as follows: “A superficial often woolly growth produced especially on the damp or decaying matter or on living organisms by a fungus (as of the order Mucorales).” In other words, mold spores grow when they land on excessive moisture.

Many of us are familiar with mold or have seen it before; it’s often a greenish substance growing in cool or damp areas, such as basements or crawlspaces. However, it’s especially prudent to SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville and what our professional technicians do daily. It often appears in the aftermath of water damage when your home, business, and belongings are water-logged and desperately need remediation.

Types of mold fall into one of the three types of categories listed below:

Allergenic molds are not toxic in and of themselves but can trigger allergic reactions such as asthma.

Pathogenic molds can trigger illnesses in people already weakened by other causes.

Toxigenic families of molds are the most dangerous because they create toxins that can lead to health problems that are sometimes lethal.

Types of Molds Most Commonly Found in a Residential Home:

  1. Chaetomium

Type of Mold: Allergenic.

Where It’s Found: Water-damaged homes.

Soil and plant debris is the natural outdoor habitat of this mold, but it’s also the most common mold to grow in houses damaged by flooding and large water leaks.

Chaetomium is an allergenic mold that often starts as a fuzzy white growth. Over time, it darkens and can sometimes look like the dreaded black mold. The two types can even grow in the exact location. Sufficient moisture is necessary for the growth of both.

  1. Stachybotrys (Black mold)

Type of Mold: Toxigenic.

Where It’s Found: Damp areas, including ventilation systems.

There are dozens of species of the toxigenic mold Stachybotrys, but two are noteworthy. Stachybotrys chartarum and Stachybotrys chlorohalonata are also known as the toxic black mold. These sometimes appear indoors or in ventilation systems.

Both species are associated with poor indoor air quality, typically from too much moisture. Stachybotrys is also related to sick building syndrome. This mold is dangerous enough that it should be removed only by licensed remediation specialists as part of a campaign to eliminate excess moisture.

  1. Trichoderma

Type of Mold: Toxigenic.

Where It’s Found: Damp soil.

This typical family of molds is found in soils around the world. There are 89 recognized species of this mold, with Trichoderma longibrachiatum, a.k.a. “common house mold,” one of the most prevalent.

It can grow anywhere in the home where organic matter and sufficient moisture are present. Trichoderma is considered a toxigenic mold because it produces mycotoxins under certain conditions. Some strains of Trichoderma go into anti-fungal treatments for plants.

  1. Alternaria

Type of Mold: Allergenic.

Where It’s Found: Bathrooms and damp windows.

Have you got moldy stuff growing in your bathroom or shower? Perhaps mold along the bottom of windows where condensation develops during cold weather? It’s probably a mold called Alternaria. This is the most common type of allergenic mold.

From the genus ascomycete, this organism thrives outdoors in natural ecosystems. But Alternaria can cause problems when it ventures indoors. It causes allergic reactions and can trigger hypersensitive conditions such as hay fever and asthma. This organism can infect people whose immune systems are impeded.

  1. Ulocladium

Type of Mold: Allergenic.

Where It’s Found: Damp appliances, bathrooms, drywall, carpet, and more.

This common allergenic household mold is found in wet places such as showers, bathtubs, condensation-prone windows, and appliances like dish and clothes washers. Water-dispensing refrigerators with chronically leaking hose connections also may be vulnerable.

Ulocladium is black in color, and while it’s not as dangerous as the infamous “black mold,” the appearance of any mold is cause for concern and action. Ulocladium also grows on drywall and carpet and requires high moisture levels to thrive.

  1. Serpula

Type of Mold: Allergenic.

Where It’s Found: Wooden (and not consistently particularly damp) structures.

One species called Serpula lacrymans is rare in nature and feeds almost exclusively on wooden structures. It’s a mildly allergenic mold that does not pose much of a health hazard to people, although destructive.

If you see a house frame that’s always dry yet crumbles to pieces, you’ve witnessed dry rot. The direct translation of the Latin name means “creeping” (serpula) and “making tears” (lacrymans) because of its ability to infect and destroy wooden structures without high levels of moisture.

  1. Mucor

Type of Mold: Mostly allergenic (with one toxigenic exception).

Where It’s Found: Water-damaged structural materials, carpets, and mattresses.

There are about 40 species of this fast-growing white or gray mold. Most are considered just allergenic. However, one species, Mucor indicus, is considered toxigenic because it can lead to a fungal infection called zygomycosis, causing the death of living tissue.

Some species of Mucor can also infect blood in a condition called mucormycosis. Mucor proliferates at room temperature or warmer and can sometimes approach an inch thickly. Mucor mecudo is one common species. It’s generically called “pin mold” because the vertical growths with small heads look like sewing pins.

  1. Aspergillus

Type of Mold: Pathogenic.

Where It’s Found: Air and HVAC systems, especially in water-damaged buildings.

Although some members of the Aspergillus genus are non-toxic, they can trigger allergic reactions, respiratory irritation, lung infections, and asthma. Other examples from the genus Aspergillus are toxigenic and can produce aflatoxins — chemicals that can trigger cancer growth.

The spores of Aspergillus fumigatus are found everywhere in the air, and this species is considered pathogenic. It can cause lethal infections in people with compromised immune systems. As with several other families of molds, Aspergillus also includes at least one species helpful to humans. Aspergillus sojae is essential for making authentic soy sauce, miso, and other fermented condiments.

  1. Penicillium

Type of Mold: Allergenic.

Where It’s Found: Anyplace with moisture.

Although a species of this mold called Penicillium notatum was the source of lifesaving antibiotics, you don’t want any Penicillium growing in your house.

This genus has many species, is bluish-green, and has a smooth texture. It’s considered an allergenic mold. The airborne spores travel easily and can trigger asthma and heart inflammation. As with all molds, high moisture conditions trigger its growth.

  1. Aureobasidium

Type of Mold: Allergenic.

Where It’s Found: Underneath wallpaper and paint.

This fast-growing, black, allergenic yeast-like organism thrives in outdoor environments worldwide and indoor environments with sufficient moisture.

Aureobasidium is most found underneath wallpaper and paint in homes and can vary significantly in color. One species, Aureobasidium pullulans, is the most widely known and is sometimes used in biotech research. It’s also crucial to certain products that control plant diseases and aid in food storage.

Suppose you should find mold in your residential or commercial property. In that case, it’s best to be safe and contact a cleanup and restoration company like SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville as soon as possible. The restoration professionals at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville will follow the mold remediation process:

Step 1: When you contact SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville, you will speak to a specialist who will ask you questions about the mold damage to determine equipment, resources, and necessary personnel.

Step 2: SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville professionals will inspect your property, using specialized equipment to detect the mold and any hidden water sources.

Step 3: SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville professionals will begin the mold containment process. This may involve using a negative air chamber and turning off all heating and cooling systems to prevent the spread of spores.

Step 4: The air filtration process will begin. This involves using specialized filtration equipment to capture microscopic mold spores out of the air. SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville professionals will also use HEPA vacuums and air scrubbers to help ensure the mold spores do not spread while remediation is underway.

Step 6: SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville professionals will begin removing mold and mold-infested materials using antifungal and antimicrobial treatments. If infested with mold growth, drywall, and carpeting may also need to be removed during this step.

Step 7: Contents and belongings are cleaned. SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville professionals offers various services, such as document restoration, ceiling, wall, and floor cleaning, drape and blind cleaning, carpet, upholstery cleaning, and more.

Step 8: The last step is restoration. Depending on the extent of damage, minor or large-scale restoration services may be needed, including construction. It is our goal to return your space to preloss condition.

Call SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville for any questions regarding your residential home! We are here to help!

Basic Facts About Mold and Dampness in Buildings

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Mold in the back corner of a closest.

How Common is Mold Indoors?

It might surprise you to mold mold and dampness is a common problem in homes and businesses.  Mold grows in places with excessive moisture such as leaky roofs and windows, damaged water pipes and areas where there was standing water.  Mold can grow on practically any surface but grows well on organic materials such as ceiling tiles, drywall and wood products.

How Does Mold Get Indoors?

Mold is a microscopic organism and can enter your home through doors, windows, HVAC systems or even attaching itself to pets and clothing. Once indoors mold spoors will look for moisture and begin growing.

How Do You Know If You Have Mold?

Mold and mildew look very similar and can’t be visually identified.  If no visual indicators are there is a second and more common indicator; a musty smell.  If you have a musty smell and can’t find a reason, you may want to have remediation expert such as SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville come out and check for mold.

If You Think You Have Mold What Should You Do?

If you suspect your home or business has an issue with mold, give the experts at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville a call at (336) 224-2565.  Our team of highly trained technicians will come out at no cost and assess your property.  If they find mold they will then go over the best practice on returning your property back to preloss condition.  To Learn more, give us a call today and schedule your free mold check.

Basic Facts About Mold And Dampness in Buildings

1/21/2022 (Permalink)

How Common Is Mold Indoors?

It might surprise you to know, but mold and dampness are common residential and commercial buildings. Mold can grow anywhere there is excessive moisture, such as leaky roofs, windows, damaged water pipes, and areas of previously standing water. Mold can grow on practically any surface but grows best on organic materials such as ceiling tiles, drywall, and wooden beams.

How Does Mold Get Indoors?

A mold spore is a microscopic organism and can enter your property through any number of ways, such as doors, windows, HVAC systems, or even on your shoes or pets. Once indoors, the mold spore will look for moisture to begin growing.

How Do You Know If You Have Mold In Your Home Or Business?

Mold and mildew look very similar and can’t be visually identified. Therefore, the only way to confirm mold is an air quality test. However, if you have a musty smell in your home or business and can not find a source, chances are you have a mold problem.

If You Think You Have Mold, What Should You Do?

Mold exposure does have some health risks. If you suspect you have mold growing in your home or business, contact the experts at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville at (336) 24-2565. Our team of highly trained technicians will come out to assess your problem for free and help you decide what your next course of action should be.

Because at SERVPRO, We’re Here To Help.

What is Mold Remediation and What Do Business Owners Need to Know?

4/5/2021 (Permalink)

Concerns about mold exposure are on the rise as more people become aware of the possible health effects. With many of us working indoors, more and more long-term exposure is a definite risk if proper mold remediation steps are not taken as soon as possible.

What is Remediation?

According to the Oxford Learners dictionary, remediation is improving something or correcting something that was wrong, especially changing or stopping damage to the environment. And since mold can grow almost anywhere and on any surface where moisture is present, it’s becoming more prevalent in newer buildings since they are more tightly constructed with less airflow than older buildings. With all these factors, delayed or insufficient maintenance can create—potential mold problem for your business.

The business owner’s highest priority must be to protect the health and safety of those who enter his/her property. The best way to do this is to contact the mold remediation experts at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville. Our highly trained team of technicians can make your mold issue "Like it never even happened."®

For your free mold inspection, give us a call at (336) 224-2565 and schedule your appointment today.

Welcome Residents Follow These Mold Safety Tips

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

The mold on this plaster wall was a result of excessive moisture in the room due to a faulty AC unit.

If you have mold in your Welcome home or business odds are you also have or had some underlying issue with moisture.  According to the EPA there are many types of mold, none of them will grow without water or moisture.  Mold has the potential to cause health effects so it’s very important to take care of these issues as soon as you become aware of them.  While mold spores are everywhere the best way to prevent mold growth in your home or business is to keep materials in your property as clean and dry as possible.  Some additional ways to keep mold from colonizing are:

  • Find and correct obvious water leaks such as dripping faucets, leaky pipes and dry all items completely.
  • Keep all air conditioning drip pans clean and the drain lines unobstructed
  • Check and clean guttering regularly

If you suspect you have an issue with mold give the experts at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville a call at (336)224-2565 to schedule your free mold inspection.  Our team will come out and look at your property and help come up with a plan of action.  At SERVPRO, we’re here to help.

Preventing Mold in Your Arcadia Home

2/5/2021 (Permalink)

There is an old adage: where there’s moisture, there is mold. While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, one of the main components for mold to thrive is moisture. Mold can grow in as little as 36-48 hours in the right conditions. So, the key to prevent mold from growing in your Arcadia home or business is moisture control.

How does one control moisture?

There are many ways to achieve this; the biggest one is to quickly repair leaks in your home and properly dry the affected area. Water travels the path of least resistance and is quickly absorbed into your floors, walls flooring. You can’t just touch the affected area and tell whether it is dry. Moisture meters are required to see so if the material is dry. Also, trying to keep indoor humidity at about 30-50% will help retard mold growth. Ventilating appliances that generate moisture, cleaning gutters, as well as routine HVAC system inspections can help prevent mold growth in your home.

If you suspect you have a mold problem, contact the experts of SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville at (336) 224-2565. Our team of mold remediation experts will assess your situation and explain your options. To learn more about mold, its effects and other services we provide, visit us at

Is it Mold or Mildew in Your Clemmons Home?

1/29/2021 (Permalink)

To better explain the difference between Mold and Mildew, you must first understand the biology of both. Mold and Mildew are both fungi. Generally speaking, mold typically grows organic materials such as wood, drywall, paper, and leather. In comparison, Mildew tends to grow on places like shower walls and windowsills. They both require moisture to grow, but mold derives its nutrients from decomposing organic materials. Hence, it helps breakdown and recycles organic materials, which in this case could mean your home.

Both Mold and Mildew can produce mycotoxins, and some mold species cause severe health effects. One particular type that most people have heard of is Stachybotrys, otherwise known as “Black Mold.” The problem with Mold and Mildew for the general population is that it is difficult to tell the difference visibly. There is no way to visibly tell what variety of mold you have in your home without an air quality test. That test can tell you the type of mold as well as the severity of your problem. That’s why it’s so important to call a qualified, trusted remediation specialist such as SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville. Our team of highly trained professionals will assess your home for free and help you decide your next course of action. If you would like to schedule your free home assessment, give us a call at(336) 224-2565 today. Because at SERVPRO we’re here to help.

How to address mold after a flood

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

If addressed quickly, mold can be prevented or contained.

Floods can quickly turn lives upside down. And with our above average rainfall in the Triad, many homeowners have experienced flooding for the first time. And many home and business owners may have discovered the water damage they thought they cleaned up wasn't completely dry. The damage caused by flooding can linger long after water levels have subsided. Mold left in the wake of a flood poses a significant threat, and WebMD notes that mold can be especially dangerous for people with respiratory issues like allergies or asthma. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, one of the organization’s chief concerns was to let those affected by the storm learn how to safely clean up mold.

Mold cleanup must be done with a sense of urgency, as WebMD indicates that mold can grow very quickly in damp environments. Mold can begin to form in as little at 24-26 hours in the right conditions.  Once it colonizes in your home it can easily spread throughout your property if not properly mitigated.  Here are some things to consider if your property has been affected by mold. Once it’s safe to reenter a home, the CDC recommends the following approach to address mold after a flood.

  • Wear personal protective equipment. Gloves, masks and goggles should be worn to protect the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin. While personal protective equipment can be highly effective, anyone with mold allergies or preexisting respiratory conditions like asthma should leave mold cleanup to the professionals. At SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville we offer a no cost assessment so you can understand the scope of the loss and whether it can be handled by the you the property owner or if it’s outside your scope of ability.
  • Discard certain items. Items that are wet with flood water but cannot be cleaned and completely dried within 24 to 48 hours should be discarded. People with flood insurance policies may need to take photos of items prior to discarding them if they hope to be reimbursed. At SERVPRO we can assist with this process. We can provide a completely inventory including photos for your insurance company.
  • Open doors and windows. The Federal Emergency Management Agency notes that airing the home out by opening the doors and windows can inhibit mold growth when humidity levels are lower outside than inside.
  • Circulate air around the house. If it’s safe to turn the electricity back on, circulate air inside the home with fans. In addition, use a dehumidifier to remove moisture from inside the home. At SERVPRO we have the latest equipment and understand the science that goes into properly drying your home.
  • Drying the home as quickly as possible, and ideally within 24 to 48 hours of the occurrence of flooding, can inhibit further mold growth. However, it’s imperative that residents only reenter a home after getting the go-ahead from local authorities.

A safe and quick response to flood-related mold growth can prevent illness and further damage to a home. So, if your home or business has experienced flooding and now have an issue with mold, give us a call at (336) 224-2565 and we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

Mold Safety Tip For Your Thomasville Home or Business

11/6/2020 (Permalink)

Mold is a naturally occurring organism in our environment. The problem occurs when mold begins to colonize in your Thomasville home or Business. This usually happens when excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors. Mold can colonize in as little as two days in the right environment. Here are some helpful hints to help keep you and your property safe.

  • Stop/repair the water source.
  • If you see visible mold, do not disturb it, or you could run the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Stay out of the affected area.
  • Turn off fans and HVAC systems to help prevent spreading.

Call the experts of SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville to begin the remediation process.
If you suspect your home or Business has mold damage, give us a call at 336-224-2565 to schedule your free assessment. Our highly trained professionals will talk you through what they find and discuss what would be the best course of action. Because at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville, we’re here to help.

Tips for waterproofing a basement or crawl space

4/20/2020 (Permalink)

Water can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Few things have the potential to damage a home as much as water. From leaks to flooding to moisture problems like mold, water can wreak havoc on a home.

Basements or crawl spaces are areas of a home where water can do the most damage. Basements and crawl spaces tend to be the lowest-lying spots in a home, and therefore prime spots for water to enter. Water problems in these areas can contribute to the demise of the structural integrity of the foundation.

Water can enter homes in numerous ways. Many building materials, including concrete, that seem solid at first glance actually are quite porous. As ground water collects around these materials, the weight of the accumulated water, called hydrostatic pressure, can weaken the materials, causing cracks where water can seep through. Water also can enter subterranean spaces through basement windows and gaps between footings and concrete slabs or push up through foundation floors when homes are in areas with high water tables.

Remedying water issues in a home generally breaks down into two methodologies: exterior waterproofing and interior waterproofing. Depending on the cause and severity of the water issue, one or the other, or even both, may be recommended.

Exterior waterproofing

Exterior waterproofing aims to keep water away from and out of the home. Exterior waterproofing generally includes the application of a waterproofing agent to the concrete foundation. In addition, exterior waterproofing also could include excavation so a drainage system can be installed around the entire footing of the home. Regrading, a property and properly relocating gutters and downspouts can help with many water issues.

Interior waterproofing

When water in a basement or crawl space needs to be remediated indoors, a system to collect, drain and remove water may be necessary. This can include sump pumps, drains, gravity discharge systems, and more. Moisture barriers, which can include special paints or products applied to the foundation walls and floor, also can help keep water from entering the space.

Moisture solutions

Keeping water out is only one part of the equation. Homeowners also need to manage moisture, like excessive humidity. A marriage of HVAC and waterproofing techniques may be necessary to improve air flow and remove humidity in the air.

While many homeowners have attempted to address water issues on their own, many times it is a job best left to the professionals. Because water penetration can have multifaceted causes, a professional can best assess the situation and create solutions that fit with homeowners’ budgets and needs.

And if you home experiences water or mold damage calling the experts at SERVPRO® of Lexington Thomasville is your first step in getting your home back to preloss conditions.  Give us a call today at 336-224-2565.

Is All That Equipment Really Necessary When Removing Mold from My Thomasville Home?

3/24/2020 (Permalink)

Microbial contamination is a broad descriptor that refers to a wide variety of microorganisms including mold, bacteria, and viruses.  This contamination can come from many sources such as a flooded building, a sewage backup or even a simple water leak.  Mold contamination is the most common call we receive when discussing microbial contamination. 

One of the more common questions we are asked when completing mold remediation is ‘is all that really necessary?’  Many Thomasville home and business owners think bleach and a sponge is all they need to clean up a mold problem.  The reality is in most instances bleach only kills the surface mold and it will continue to grow and spread without proper remediation which includes all the right equipment. 

Full PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) is required for not only the health and safety of our employees but to help prevent cross contamination thus keeping your property and family safe.  PPE equipment used during mold remediation includes respirators, goggles, gloves full Tyvek suits, and antimicrobial cleaning solutions.

So, instead of worrying if you cleaned your mold damage properly contact the experts at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville.  Our highly trained team of professionals are IICRC certified experts in mold remediation.  Give us a call at 336-224-2565 to schedule your appointment and get your free estimate today!

Is Your Wallburg Home Healthy?

2/28/2020 (Permalink)

This TV tray is covered in mold caused by cross-contamination.

With new construction, homes have become more and more airtight. While this is great for lowering your energy costs, it can cause problems with your home’s air quality. Cleaner air means a healthier home and family. At SERVPRO® of Lexington / Thomasville, we can help you with ay air pollution you may be experiencing in your home or business. Some of the things that can be affecting your home are:

Mold spores are literally everywhere and can quickly colonize if they have a water source. Excessive dampness in your home, crawlspace, or ductwork and be an ideal environment for mold to grow. It is estimated that homes with high levels of mold can show cold-like symptoms 30% more often than those homes without mold.

Dirty ductwork can circulate odors as well as contaminants. Did you know 4o lbs of dust is generated in a 1,500 sq. f. home annually, and roughly 80% of those particles you see floating in your home are dead human skin? And if mold spores get into your HVAC system, it can easily cause contamination throughout your home? Having your ducts properly cleaned can:

  • Eliminate Indoor Air Pollution
  • Eliminate Offensive Odors
  • Prolong the life of your HVAC system

If you call experience cold symptoms or are experiencing a musty odor, give the experts at SERVPRO® of Lexington/Thomasville a call at 336-224-2565 for your free assessment. We can help you pinpoint any issues you may be having and discuss possible solutions.

Flooding Today-Mold Tomorrow

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

With February’s unusual weather and recent area flooding, it is more important than ever to check your Arcadia home or business for mold. It is common practice for some property owners to do-it-themselves or hires their local “handyman” because generally speaking, flooding is not covered by homeowners.
BUT, when it comes to cleaning up after flooding, property owners need to think carefully before proceeding down that road. The problem with many do-it-yourselfers is they lack the knowledge on how to properly dry a structure. There is a science behind restoration and mitigation. It’s is much more complicated than opening a window and sticking a fan in the room, and without adequately drying the structure, you can create an even more expensive problem. MOLD.
If you call the experts of SERVPRO Of Lexington / Thomasville, our highly trained experts will assess your water or mold damage and explain the best course of action. The best part of this is SERVPRO offers free estimates!
Give us a call at -336-224-2565 to schedule your mold check today.

You’ve discovered mold in your Clemmons home now what?

2/1/2020 (Permalink)

While packing away your Christmas decorations you discover mold has begun growing in your basement.  What do you do?  Many people would be tempted just to clean the area with bleach and move on but is that the right answer?  Mold is a naturally occurring fungus in our environment, but the problems begin when mold begins to grow in our home or business.  That is because there is usually an underlying problem that caused the mold to form such as a water leak.  Stopping the source of moisture is the first step and the most critical in mold remediation along with deep cleaning and microbial. Bleach will only kill the surface mold not the underlying spores in the affected material and since bleach is mostly water it can actually feed the mold growth.  That is why it is so important to have an expert come out and assess your damage.  The experts at SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville are highly trained in detected mold, finding the source and removing the hazard.  With our no-cost assessment our team will come to your home and discuss what they have found and create a custom plan of action to get your home back to preloss conditions.  If you or someone you love suspect you have a mold problem give SERVPRO a call today; 336-224-2565.

Mold: What Does Your Insurance Cover?

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage in this basement is an example of a"covered peril" creating a mold colony.

Homeowner’s insurance varies with each insurance carrier so it’s best to talk to your agent to get the specifics of your policy but there are some generalizations about homeowner’s insurance when it comes to mold damage in your home.

Mold damage is usually covered by homeowner’s insurance if it was caused by a “covered peril”.  According to an example of a covered peril would be and water supply line leaking under a cabinet that produced mold.  However, that same situation may not be covered if the leak can continue a few weeks because it would then be classified as a maintenance issue.  Maintenance issues are generally not covered because the insurance companies feel the damage could have been avoided if regular maintenance and repairs had been completed in a timely manner.

If your policy covers mold it will usually have a “cap” or a maximum amount the policy will cover.  Since mold remediation can be expensive preventative home maintenance or quick mitigation response is critical to save you both time and money.

At SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville our team of trained professionals are experts in mold remediation as well as fire and water clean-up.  If you suspect your home or business has a mold problem, give us a call at 336-224-2565 for your free assessment today.

Is Do-It-Yourself Mold Remediation a cost-effective alternative?

4/29/2019 (Permalink)

Our technicians working hard to remove mold at a local business.

When you discover your Thomasville home has a mold problem your first thought may be to handle it yourself.  But if you are inexperienced in mold remediation you could be creating a bigger problem for yourself down the road.  Mold spores can easily spread throughout a structure causing additional contamination if the clean up site is not properly contained.  That’s why hiring a team of professionals can actually save you time and money over the long run.  Our highly trained technicians understand how to prevent cross contamination as well as the proper way to clean and/or the removal of materials.

The biggest concern with most homeowners is the cost and the inconvenience.  Depending on the severity of the mold infestation it may be necessary for the homeowners to vacate the premises briefly while the property is cleaned.  But many may not be aware your homeowners insurance may cover some if not most of these issues.  That’s why when our experts have discovered your property has a mold problem the second phone call should be to your insurance agent.

Many homeowners who have never experienced a mold problem can get a bit of a sticker shock when discussing cost of remediation.  What many don’t understand is mold can cause very serious health problems especially for those with compromised immune systems or the young.  That’s why when we begin remediation our team is fully prepared with HAZMAT suits, breathing apparatuses, special vacuums that can pick up microscopic mold spores as well as portable “negative air rooms” to help prevent any additional contamination.  This is just a small sample of the specialized equipment the professionals of SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville use to remove and prevent any additional damage to your property.

If you think your Thomasville home has a mold problem give our team a call at 336-224-2565 for your no cost assessment today!

Mold Removal-Do It Yourself or Hire a Professional?

3/25/2019 (Permalink)

This mold was caused by a leaking hot water heater.

You’ve discovered mold growing in the closet of your Arcadia home and you think ‘this is no big deal I can do it myself’ but before you begin here are a few things you need to consider.

  • Consider where the mold is growing. Mold likes warm moist areas of your home so if you see a little on a shower tile or grout odds are you have a ventilation issue and a little air flow and elbow grease is all you need.  But if like in this scenario you’ve discovered mold in a typically dry place you may have and underlying issue such as a leaking pipe behind the wall.
  • Look at the surface where the mold is growing. If the mold is on a nonporous surface such as type a solution of one-part bleach to one-part water should do the trick.  But, if the mold is on a porous surface such as drywall, studs or cabinets the bleach and water mixture will be ineffective.  You will only kill the surface mold while feeding the mold spores embedded in the surface.  The mold will come back, and odds are the affected area will be larger.

If you have mold and have questions, let the professional of SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville come out and assess the situation.  Our team will come out and check out the issue, try to discover the source of the damage and give our opinion on your best course of action-all for free.  If you would like to schedule your appointment, give us a call today at 336-224-2565.

Mold and Mildew Are Not The Same Thing

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

The words Mold and Mildew are often used interchangeably the realty is the are two different species within the fungi family.  And thus, mold and mildew react differently to the environment and need to be cleaning up differently as well.

Mold is one of mother natures major decomposition sources.  Mold consumes “dead” or decaying” organic materials such as a fallen tree or leaves as a food source.  But unfortunately, mold cannot tell the difference between a dead tree and your drywall.  Mold reproduces by releasing a very small seed into the environment called a spore.  Theses spores use indoor or outdoor air currents to travel and colonize in other locations.  Think of them as a dandelion seed floating along looking for a place to land.  When this spore lands all it needs to begin to colonize is a water source and organic material. Mold will not only colonize on the surface of the organic material but penetrate beneath the surface quickly causing structural damage if left un treated. Thus, finding a removing mold in the early stages is very important to prevent wide spread damage to your property.

Mildew on the other hand is primarily a parasite meaning is lives off a living host such as plants.  It can be found in your home in damp or moist locations but unlike mold mildew remains on the surface and can be wiped away easily.

How can you tell the difference between mold or mildew?  Typically, active colonies of mold appear black or green while mildew looks grey or white.  Also, if you pour bleach on the surface mildew will die and not come back while the surface mold may be killed but it will rapidly reappear because it permeates the material.

If you suspect you have an issue with mold give the experts at SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville a call at 336-224-2565 for your no cost assessment today.

Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Mold Damage?

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

This mold was caused by a leaking water pipe.

While this question is quite simple the answer is not.  Generally speaking, some homeowners’ policies do cover mold damage.  But to get the answer you need to talk to your insurance agent for your coverage and deductibles.  Something to keep in mind even if your policy covers mold is that there are some limits and exclusions.  As an example, if your home or business has mold damage caused by a maintenance issue such as a long-standing water leak, the water and mold damage may not be covered.  These cases will be reviewed, and a decision made on a case by case issue with your adjuster.

In addition, most homeowner’s policies have a cap or limit on the amount they will cover in regard to mold damage.  That’s why it’s so important to take care of any water damage quickly.  If you think your home or business has water or mold damage give us a call at 336-224-2565 and our team of highly trained technicians will schedule a time to inspect your property and report their findings.  And, if damage is discovered, they will begin the clean up and restoration process.

Knowing who to trust with one of your biggest investments is critical so calling the experts of SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville is a way to ensure you have trusted professionals on site to fix an damage promptly and professionally.

What Does Mold In Your Home Mean For Your Health?

2/4/2019 (Permalink)

When people think of issues that can cause health problems many might first think of high blood pressure or cholesterol but there might be something that you aren’t even aware of: Mold. Mold is in most homes at one time or another.  We all have seen it on a shower curtain or drain.  But mold can be a big problem. There are 1,000 of types of mold that can be found growing in the U.S.  Illness due to mold exposure can cause a variety of health problems the most common of which is mold allergy.  But, mold can also cause more serious health issues especially for those who have a compromised immune system.  Mold can also cause a number of illness and symptoms such as infections, fatigue, aches, pains, numbness and tingling just to name a few.

As you can see there is a wide variety of symptoms of mold exposure.  That’s why knowing who to call to check to see if your home has a mold issue is so important.  SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville is your local trusted mold remediation specialist.  With our no cost assessments and highly trained technicians we are your go to source for all your mold questions.  If you suspect your home or business has a problem with mold give us a call at 336-224-2565 and schedule your appointment.

How to prevent mold growth in your Wallburg home

11/9/2018 (Permalink)

Bathrooms are vulnerable to mold growth.

Mold plays an important role in nature. Mold breaks down dead organic matter, including fallen leaves, and speeds up the decomposition process so nutrients can return to the soil as quickly as possible. But mold inside a home can be a formidable foe, triggering allergic reactions and increasing a person's risk of developing respiratory problems. Mold can even cause damage to a home by attaching itself to wood and breaking down that wood. Because the consequences of mold growth inside a home can be so dire, it's important that men and women take steps to prevent mold growth in their homes and apartments. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that controlling moisture levels in a home or apartment is the key to controlling mold as well.

• Address spills quickly and properly. Many instances of mold infestations can be traced to leaks or spills that were not quickly or properly addressed. The EPA advises that wet or damp materials or areas should be dried within 24 to 48 hours to prevent the growth of mold. Make sure spills are thoroughly cleaned as opposed to a cursory cleanup of only the areas visible to the naked eye. Inspect nearby crevices when spills occur to ensure the area where the spill happened and all surrounding areas vulnerable to mold growth are dry. In addition, fix leaky plumbing fixtures immediately, hiring a professional if necessary. 

•Inspect the ground surrounding your home. Factors outside a home can sometimes contribute to mold growth within a home. Make sure the ground outside your home slopes away from the foundation. If the ground slopes toward your home, rainwater or runoff from sprinkler systems may direct water into your home, creating conditions favorable to mold growth inside. Gutters and downspouts also should be inspected to ensure they are working optimally. If not, they can contribute to water damage on the roof that can ultimately lead to mold growth. 

•Monitor indoor humidity. The EPA advises that homeowners keep indoor humidity below 60 percent relative humidity, which can be measured with humidity meters available at many hardware stores. Homeowners who can keep indoor humidity at levels 30 to 50 percent below relative humidity might be even more successful at keeping indoor mold growth at bay.

• Dry wet surfaces immediately. Surfaces can become wet even if a home has no leaky fixtures and no spills have occurred. For example, the surfaces of bathroom walls, ceilings and floors get wet when a home's inhabitants take hot baths or showers. That condensation is natural, but such surfaces are also susceptible to mold growth. Make sure to dry wet surfaces immediately, and keep exhaust fans on or windows open when bathing to decrease the likelihood of mold growth. Mold growth can be detrimental to human beings and their homes. But many mold infestations are easily prevented.

If you suspect your Wallburg home or business has a mold issue, contact the experts of SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville for your no cost assessment.  Give us a call at 336-224-2565.

Mold: The Facts

5/18/2018 (Permalink)

Mold is most common in moisture-prone areas such as crawl spaces and basements as seen in this Lexington Basement.

When talking to some mold remidation specialists you may hear unfamiliar phrases such as microbial contamination; containment and establishing negative air environment.  While all this are accurate phrases they can sound terrifying and confusing to someone who has never experienced a mold problem.  The experts at SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville are trained to walk homeowners and business owners through the process of mold removal in easy to understand phrases and answer any questions they may have.  In this article we will discuss some mold facts to help you understand what mold is and how to best to prevent it’s spread.

Microbial contamination is a fancy way to say mold, mildew, bacteria and other microorganisms that have impacted our home in a negative fashion. Mold is one of the most common problems that property owners face. Mold can develop in as little at 24 to 48 hours and needs only two things to thrive; a food source such as drywall and moisture.  That is why mold is such a common problem after a water leak.

Many people believe that bleach is an effective tool in mold removal.  The truth is in a well-established colony the only thing bleach will do is kill the surface mold and feed the mold below the surface since bleach is made up of 90% water. The best way to eliminate mold from returning is to solve the moisture or water problem that caused the mold to grow in the first place and contact an expert in mold remediation.

That’s why SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville follows the IICRC S520 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Mold Remediation. If you think your property has a mold problem give us a call at 336-224-2565 and schedule your free assessment today.

What is that Smell?

4/17/2018 (Permalink)

A couple of days ago you noticed a little water in your basement.  You cleaned up the water and went on with your day.  But now you walk into your basement and are hit with a musty smell and you wonder where is that smell coming from?  Did you know one of the easiest ways to determine if a home or business has a mold problem is by smell?   The odors released by a microbial contamination problem is a musty or earthy smell.  And mold growth can happen in as little as 48 hours after water damage has occurred. 

If you are experiencing a musty smell in your home or business it could be a sign of undetected water damage causing mold to growth.  If you think your home or business might have an issue with mold contact the experts at SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville.  Our certified mold experts will come to your home or businesses and we will examine your structure for any visible signs of mold.  And in the event mold is found techs are ready to clean the affected area and get your home or business back to preloss conditions.

We care about your home, health and safety so let the experts at SERVPRO assist you in make your home or business loss “Like it never even happened.”

The Real Story About Mold

3/28/2018 (Permalink)

This mold on the ceiling was the result of a clogged ac unit.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that there is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in an indoor environment, including a home. But by controlling moisture in their homes or apartments, men and women can control indoor mold growth. One way to do just that is to prevent condensation in a home by adding insulation. In addition, clean building materials or furnishings that become wet as promptly as possible, and no more than 48 hours after the items have become wet.  Those with compromised immune systems can be more affected. If you think your home or business has been affected by mold,  having a trusted professional such as SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville as a resource is important. With our highly trained technicians and no cost assessments calling us at 336-224-2565 is the start of getting your home or business back to preloss conditions.

Facts About Mold

3/5/2018 (Permalink)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that there is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in an indoor environment, including a home. But by controlling moisture in their homes or apartments, men and women can control indoor mold growth. One way to do just that is to prevent condensation in a home by adding insulation. In addition, clean building materials or furnishings that become wet as promptly as possible, and no more than 48 hours after the items have become wet. Mold produces allergens and irritants, and inhaling or touching mold or mold spores can trigger allergic responses such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, rashes on the skin, and even fever-like symptoms.  If you or any of your family are experiencing these symptoms you may want to have your home inspected for possible mold damage.  

Our professionally trained technicians are trained in mold remediation and will examine your home for any visible signs of mold and clean the affected areas safely.  Give SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville a call at 336-224-2565 for your no cost assessment.

3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

2/12/2018 (Permalink)

As winter wears on, it’s not uncommon for people living in cold weather climates to experience some cabin fever. Winter weather confines many people to their homes, making many antsy to get out once the first signs of spring begin to appear.

In addition to contributing to cabin fever, winter weather can have a negative impact on indoor air quality. While air pollution is something most often associated with densely populated cities, the air inside homes is not immune to pollution, especially during long winters when windows are often closed for months at a time. Though open windows in spring and summer can vastly improve indoor air quality, there are ways to ensure that air stays fresh and healthy regardless of which season it happens to be.

  1. Clean the floors.

Dirty floors are one of the chief contributors to poor indoor air quality. Dust, dirt, pollen, and pet dander can accumulate on floors, leading to poor air quality and potentially aggravating respiratory conditions such as asthma. When vacuuming, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, which is a uniquely designed mechanical air filter that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander and dust mites. When you finish vacuuming, mop floors to gather any dust or allergens that escaped the vacuum. If simple vacuuming does not work the experts at SERVPRO are the leaders in carpet and upholstery care and cleaning.

  1. Control indoor air moisture.

Moist air is great for dust mites and mold, both of which are very bad for humans, so do everything you can to maintain healthy levels of indoor air moisture. Dehumidifiers can reduce indoor air moisture and control allergens, but it’s important to take additional steps as well. When bathing, try to keep a bathroom window open on a slight crack to prevent mold growth. When preparing meals in the kitchen, make use of your exhaust fan. In addition, don’t over water houseplants, as they can become breeding grounds for mold. If a musty smell continues even after all these steps call us at 336-224-2565 for your no cost assessment to determine if your property has a mold issue.

3. Resist synthetic fragrances.

A home that smells good tends to feel more pleasant, especially during winter months when windows are closed. But synthetic fragrances, such as those found in detergents and air fresheners, may be providing that welcoming scent at a heavy cost to a home’s inhabitants. Such fragrances may be emitting various chemicals, including volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, into the air, affecting indoor air quality and possibly even human health. When buying laundry products, look for those that are fragrance-free, also choosing home cleaning products that do not include any artificial fragrances.

Indoor air quality tends to suffer in colder months, when windows are closed and doors are open only briefly. But homeowners can take a handful of simple yet effective steps to ensure the air in their homes is healthy all year long. 

Call the Experts on Mold Remediation

2/11/2018 (Permalink)

There are many types of contamination that can affect your home or business.  Some examples of these contaminates are bed bugs, insects, mice and more.  But when people hear the word mold it can strike fear.  The reality is mold is everywhere around us. The only thing mold needs to survive and proliferate is a water source. That’s why it is so important to know who to call to prevent additional damage from occurring. Something as simple as a slow drip from an aging spray attachment on the kitchen sink or a crack in the caulk in a shower can result in the interior of a wall or rarely opened cabinet becoming damp enough to harbor mold. SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville trains its employees on the latest mold remediation.
SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville will begin tackling your mold problem first by isolating and eliminating the water source and drying the surrounding area. Then the mold will be contained by IICRC certified technicians (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) by using air filtration techniques that will protect your home and family from the mold spores. Personal property and home furnishings will be cleaned properly if possible.
Approach mold remediation the smart way with a call to SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville at 336-224-2565.  Team up with us to make the frustration of musty smells and ugly strains "Like it never even happened.”

Homeowners in Clemmons call the Professionals when it comes to Mold in their Home

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

As they say in football ‘a good office is the best defense’.  The same is true for home maintenance. If you suspect your home may have had a water loss, or you smell a musty smell call the experts in mold; SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville.  Early detection and repairs are critical in making sure a minor issue doesn’t become a major loss.

The vast majority of mold damage situations that we face at SERVPRO involve poor maintenance. SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville has access to trade partners that can address any issues you may have while we address the drying and/or mold removal.

If it is not possible to address a situation before it becomes a problem, our technicians have extensive experience in a variety of services to help return your home to a quality pre-mold damage condition, "Like it never even happened." 
Make the call to SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville to obtain advice on how to deal with your current situation or to acquire the services you deserve to return your home to a safe, healthy condition. (336) 224-2565

What is Mold

1/26/2018 (Permalink)

With all the talk about mold in the news media many have questions about such a sensitive topic.  What is mold or microbial contamination? Where does mold come from? If I have mold in my house is a health concern? How do I get rid of it?  There are a lot of questions out there but fortunately knowing who to call if your Thomasville home or business experiences a mold problem is key.  SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville’s highly trained technicians have the most advanced training when dealing with mold remediation

Mold or Microbial contamination refers to microorganisms which are too small to bee seen by the naked eye until the colonize on a surface.  This contamination can come from various sources such as a broken water, pipe, outside flooding, or from a biohazardous/sewer loss.  Other contamination could come from fecal matter from an animal infestation.  Each types of these issues can require a variety of different techniques to remove the mold safely from your home as well as preventing cross contamination.  Thus having an expert you know you can trust is critical in to getting your home to preloss conditions.

The technicians of SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville have gone thru extensive training in all areas of mitigation and restoration and are required to continue to train regularly to ensure we are providing the best possible service.

If you think you have an issue with mold call our office at 336-224-2565 for your no cost assessment for your property.  Remember, we are here to help.

Get The Facts About Mold In Your Wallburg Home

6/15/2017 (Permalink)

Water from an upstairs leak caused mold on the ceiling of this basement.

Mold is part of the natural environment. Outdoors, mold plays a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided because the organic material the mold is breaking down is your home and possessions. It can grow in many areas of a home especially in areas of the home that have or have previously had a moisture issue.

Mold spores travel very easily through the air and can also travel on people and pets. Coming in contact with mold in one location and then traveling to another can cause spores that hitched a ride to dislodge in the new area. People who may have never had mold problems at home before can find that mold quickly takes root if mold spores have been accidentally brought into a home. The only thing mold needs to survive is moisture, poorly ventilated air and warmth.

Mold's versatility to live in a variety of areas and feed on just about anything make it a formidable foe. But there are natural ways to tackle it.

  • Mold thrives in moist conditions, so removing the source of moisture is the primary way to control mold growth.
  • Invest in a dehumidifier if your home is plagued by moisture. Dehumidifiers are especially useful in basements and crawlspaces where moisture tends to be a problem.
  • It's also good to avoid using bleach to address a mold problem. Although bleach is an excellent disinfectant, it is not always successful in killing mold spores. The most it may do is whiten areas where the mold is growing. Plus, bleach has its own strong aroma and can be noxious to breathe in at high doses. Instead of bleach, consider all-natural methods of controlling mold. 

Before attempting to remove the mold in your Wallburg home contact a professional to make sure it is safe and to help prevent contaminating your whole home. At SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville we offer free assessments to see if you actually have mold and how severe it is. 

To schedule your free assessment, give us a call today at (336) 224-2565.  At SERVPRO we’re here to help.

Control Mold when using HVAC in Thomasville

4/26/2017 (Permalink)

Air conditioning can be a life-saver during the summer. But men and women must make sure mold doesn't become a problem while their AC systems are on.

Exposure to mold in your Thomasville has the potential to cause health effects. It can grow in any dark and damp spot, which makes air conditioning units prime locations for mold proliferation. Mold spores can be circulated through a home via a central air conditioning system or window air conditioning unit. Mold spores in the air are very easy to inhale, especially for young children and elderly people.

Air conditioners also are susceptible to mold growth. Preventing mold from becoming a problem means being in tune to indicators that mold may be present, and then taking the necessary actions to eradicate that mold and preventing future growth.

Visible mold or a musty smell when operating the air conditioner are prime indicators of a problem. If you suspect mold has infiltrated your air conditioning system mold, consider these tips.

•Keep equipment clean. Routinely clean dirt and debris out of air conditioning ducts and equipment. Pay special attention to organic matter, such as dirt, that may come in from outdoors.

•Eliminate water sources. Standing water presents an ideal breeding ground for mold. If there is excess water present in or around the system, have your AC unit serviced.

•Change the filter. Many manufacturers recommend change an HVAC filters and window unit filters once every three months at a minimum. This can prevent mold growth and reduce allergens like dust and dirt that circulate through the air.

•Clean up the mold. Homeowners may be able to clean up a minor mold problem, but larger issues are best left to a professional.

If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville can inspect and assess your property. If mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to handle the situation.

If you clean a window unit, make sure that all components are completely dry before reassembling the parts. Damp conditions can lead to more mold.

Mold Damage Affecting Homes in Arcadia

2/11/2017 (Permalink)

Moisture in Your Arcadia Property Can Result in Mold Damage

SERVPRO Remediates Mold in Arcadia Homes Professionally

Taking a strong offensive approach to protecting your home from mold gives you an advantage over other homeowners. If caught early enough, mold damage does not become a problem. However, when the visual signs are not clear, or the infestation festers for longer periods of time, you end up with a severe problem.

Ignoring the signs of mold damage that develop in your Arcadia area home over time can lead to large-loss events and possible health issues affecting the occupants of your property. The main key to preventing mold from growing within your living space is control over the moisture sources you use on a daily basis.
The majority of mold damage situations that we face at SERVPRO involve poor maintenance of appliances and fixtures that are present throughout your home. Every plumbing fixture in your home needs repairs or replacement eventually. Toilets, faucets, shower heads and all of the plumbing they are attached to, can wear over time.
It is the homeowner's responsibility to keep an eye on constant moisture source areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and appliances that link to water like, washing machines, dishwashers and ice makers. When you are uncertain about whether you are developing a problem, contact a professional for help.
SERVPRO has access to trade partners that can go through your entire home, inspecting plumbing, fixtures and appliance connections to ensure proper operation and safety from leaks. You can rest assured that we have the ability to manage your situation correctly and present you with the services you deserve.
If it is not possible to address a situation before it becomes a problem, SERVPRO technicians have extensive experience in a variety of services to help return your home to a quality pre-mold damage condition, "Like it never even happened."
We can extract water from the affected area, provide proper drying and cleaning services to help return your home to normal, with limited interruption to your daily routine.
Make the call to SERVPRO of Lexington / Thomasville to obtain advice on how to deal with your current situation or to acquire the services you deserve to return your home to a safe, healthy condition. (336) 224-2565

Mold Damage Solutions For Lexington Homeowners

1/18/2017 (Permalink)

Lexington Mold Growth Needs Remediation from SERVPRO

Homeowners Rely on SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville for Safe Mold Removal and Remediation

You've noticed a stale, musty smell developing in your basement. Before you can to look into it, steady work issues cause you to forget. A few days later, you discover large patches of mold growth on the walls. You begin researching ways to combat this situation.

After a little research, you decide to contact a local company for professional assistance in handling the mold damage found in your Lexington home. Even if you had the time to do the repairs yourself, the process is quite involved, and all of the information you have read says that if you do it wrong, there is a high possibility of causing the infestation to spread even further.

Not All Mold is Bad

Mold plays a significant role in our environment, assisting with the decomposition of decaying materials, such as broken branches and leaves from a tree. It is also beneficial in biotechnology and food science, producing various foods, beverages, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and enzymes. However, when it comes to these fungi intruding on our living spaces, they are unsightly, destructive, and have the ability to cause health effects in specific individuals that most people would rather avoid.
To control mold growth within an indoor environment, SERVPRO technicians deploy a variety of services in an attempt to combat the spread of microscopic spores and remove the conditions that allow expanded growth on the interior of your home. In most cases, special handling and disposal methods are required for the remediation to be effective. We deploy a unique solution to each scenario. However, the general mold remediation process remains the same.

Here To Help

You place an initial call to SERVPRO for mold damage remediation or an inspection service. Our technicians arrive at your property and perform an inspection to determine if mold is present, and to what extent. Since mold needs a food source (cellulose) and moisture (a leak, high humidity level), we can use moisture sensors, thermal hygrometers, and infrared devices to detect pockets of moisture. A plan of action moves the remediation service forward, and recommendations are made to address the situation properly in a safe, efficient way.
The technicians use various containment methods to limit contamination to the smallest area possible, locate and repair the source of moisture, properly deploy (HEPA) air filtration equipment to capture any microspores freely floating inside of the contained area and use specific methods to dispose of mold-infested materials. Contaminated materials are wrapped and disposed of according to EPA, OSHA, and local regulations.
An IICRC certified SERVPRO cleaning technician handles the remaining contents and belongings found in the affected areas, paying specific attention to recover a high number of your personal items. While repair technicians put the finishing touches on any repairs that were necessary to return your property to a quality pre-mold damage condition, "Like it never even happened."
Contact SERVPRO of Lexington/Thomasville for quality mold remediation services. We are always 24/7 at the ready to serve our communities. (336) 224-2565